Peacehaven & Telscombe Neighbourhood Plan
Steering Group Meetings – key highlights
Peacehaven & Telscombe Neighbourhood Plan
Steering Group (SG) Meetings – key highlights Document 2
11th of February 2021
Click on the pdf to read the full minutes
July 2020:
Welcome and Introductions
CG welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted apologies from Dr M Berg.
2. Acceptance of Minutes
It was noted B Buss was incorrectly listed mins of 11 June as PTC (should be TTC).With this correction the minutes of the meeting held on 14 May and 11 June were agreed as a true record and approved at a meeting of the Steering Group on 28 June 2020.Noted by all.
AS requested a copy as she hadn’t received them. CG to send. ACTION CG
3. Chair of Steering Group Update
It was officially agreed by both Town Councils that N Astley will join the Steering Group in the role of Planning Consultant: she has been provided with a list of items to undertake and will report on them at the end of the month.The appointment is on a monthly review.
The minutes of the previous meetings have also been forwarded to both Town Council
April 2020:
CG welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies received from Cllr C Robinson.
Chair Update
Co-op: CG spoke to A Thompson (Planning Manager) and site sale negotiations continue but Co-op are still owners.The government Inspector examining the NDP, will require any Master Map to be deliverable and achievable - and the largest land owner to be involved.JB to pursue with AECOM and COOP
Local green spaces: CG and DP confirmed continued working in report mainly on Peacehaven as Telscombe Cliffs does not have as many sites and documentation the collation is clearer.
Volunteers: Dr Maureen Berg (University of Brighton and resident of Telscombe Cliffs) has come forward and is willing to write up a report for the NDP on greenspaces including the SSSI biosphere and South Downs National Park (she will consult Newhaven/Lewes NP for the format). Also George White has volunteered (only moved to Peacehaven recently) - he is a media specialist and wants to help get the message out.GM asked whether he writes copy – CG to check with him after Easter.
CG appealed via Peacehaven Directory, Deans Mag, ZoneZine, E-news.
PTC is compiling an annual report which will help spread the word.
Social media sites already active and interaction needs to be maintained.
JB and GM discussing on-line presence (both Town Councils’ websites should refer to the NP). However, websites are passive: a resource to document the NP as it progresses, publishing surveys and other formal consultation, posting reports/updates and a calendar of events but will demonstrate to the examiner that residents are kept up to date. TD felt a good website to direct people to was vital for information to be kept in perpetuity although some documentation would also be available from LDC
Suggested using Mailchimp to broadcast news and Eventbrite to organise events as they are free to use.
19.16 Cllr D Judd joined the meeting.
e) Necessity for fresh input was raised - GM suggested a blog for residents to consult (PTC does not have one at present) as they want snippets of easily-digestible information such as put out on ZoneZine.Someone should be responsible for new material; plus a content plan alongside.
f) Funding – TA felt most of the work could be done within existing resources, as required specialist knowledge would require funding, with others editing and contributing as appropriate.CG believed some funding was available.
Land use and update re 255 new homes requirement
LOC has been investigating land ownership via LDC but delay in responding due to other priorities. TD has a ESCC map showing land owned by B&HCC, ESCC, LDC, PTC, TTC, SE Ambulance Service and NHS Property Services Ltd. She believes it is current and asked that it not be shared with the public but can be used by the Steering Group. There are lists of county land assets on the Town Council websites and she has also been working through the Parishes and other land ownership. She will produce the information in a report next week. ACTION TD
19.29 S Newman joined the meeting.
Valley Road development – CG spoke about the Land put forward by St Modwens at Valley Road which has now been withdrawn (TD to check) Private developers have submitted another plan, CG visited site and spoke to one of the developers . TD confirmed LDC has a web portal to submit developments which is currently having technical issues but she was aware of the landowners who have submitted proposals with a very rough sketch for 100 homes. Also Hoyle Road mixed use – LDC have received a submission but not sure what they are promoting it for. TD confirmed submissions close on 31 March each year but may be extended due to current circumstances.
Update re AECOM, Meridian Centre.
Public feedback/exercise re Meridian Centre
GM had circulated results – proposed to have further workshops on specific topics and bite-size polling of the community.
JB said Faustina (AIRES) is happy to give an estimate for “Housing Needs Survey” and will hand over to SN and TA rather than asking for support from AECOM.
Housing Needs Survey: TD would ask a colleague who did a survey for another town’s NP and would approach her to see if it would be beneficial (but there will be a cost) – it was agreed it would be good to have an updated plan.To be investigated further and report back to the next meeting.
Master planning (Meridian Centre): the all-day workshop scheduled for 23 April could proceed virtually: AECOM offered to host it using Microsoft Teams (similar to Zoom).Following discussion a truncated format was agreed for the steering group only, followed by a full day workshop when restrictions are relaxed (hopefully) to include stakeholders and other parties. Presentation material could be circulated in advance to save time, sending comments back prior to the meeting with video sharing.
DP suggested part of the recorded meeting on Zoom required for public participation could be shared via the website, however restrictions would be required on what was said.
JB to liaise with AECOM re the initial event on 23 April 2pm – 4pm, circulating material in advance.Second event a month later to include principle stakeholders, ESCC, Library, Medical Centre, Youth Centre etc.
JB to speak to A Thompson (Co-op) and invite them to the second workshop. Assistance from the Council was requested to issue invitations and generally setting up and delivery for the second event.
University of Brighton feedback
JB reported students are no longer on site and will be doing much of the work virtually (requiring more time) therefore, their input would probably be suited to the stakeholder event in May. Perhaps request findings in advance of that event before the formal presentation scheduled for 4 June.
The work undertaken by UoB relates to retail, the A259 corridor and the impact of Corona virus on small businesses and other matters.A survey on small business was carried out previously and the current crisis may provide opportunities to encourage new business start-ups and units for business.
19.55 C & Bowman left the meeting
Next steps
Date of next meeting:14 May 7.30PM ZOOM (this may change depending on other events).
Any Other Business
GM proposed a survey asking what local businesses want – this could be done on-line.GM and JB to discuss.
TA felt that Town and District Councillors should be involved in workshop events: perhaps for the event in April, also the one in May for landowners, developers and ESCC.
CG warned there would be much feedback on the Meridian Centre exercise and Councillors should expect some criticism.JB suggested communications should be carefully worded in order to manage expectations, explaining everything must be costed and developed before going into the Plan – keep dialogue open to ensure residents were informed, to stop rumours and jumping to conclusions. ACTION JB/GM/ CG
It was noted the website already has community links.
August 2019:
Minutes of the meeting of the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Steering Group (SG) held in the Anzac Room, Community House, Meridian Centre at 7.00pm on Tuesday 13th August 2019
Present – Cllr Cathy Gallagher (Chairman), Cllr Isobel Sharkey, Cllr Alan Milliner, Cllr Claude Cheta,
Cllr Wendy Veck, Cllr Emilia Simmons, Cllr Dawn Paul.
Peacehaven Town Clerk, Tony Allen, Telscombe Town Clerk, Stella Newman.
Mrs Ann Harrison, Mr Laurence O’Connor, Mr Pat & Mrs Chris Bowman, Mr Neill Watts, Mr Peter Seed.
Guest Speakers; Mr Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP, Mr James Boot & Dr Mark Earthey.
Cllr Gallagher welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave a briefing on developments since the last SG meeting on the 11th March 2019.
Cllr Gallagher reported that she will be arranging site visits for Mr Shane Scollard, AECOM SEA Consultant, on the 14th August 2019 and a report will follow. Meetings regarding the A259 are also happening this week between ESCC & Brighton & Hove Officers, Councilor’s and campaigners.
Cllr Gallagher introduced a draft update of the SG Terms-of-Reference, which has been circulated for comment to regular SG meeting attendees . Following agreement of the new T-O-R’s by the SG, they will have to go to both Council’s for ratification.
It was suggested that the next meeting of the SG should be its Annual meeting, where the T-O-R’s can be agreed, appointment of the SG Committee members made and volunteers wishing to join the wider SG body agreed The Chair said that the SG Committee would meet to discuss best way forward as time tight before Full Council Meetings 17th and 24th Sept. The date of the next SG meeting is to be advised with working groups meeting during the day.
It was resolved that, in the interim, Cllr Gallagher would remain as SG Committee Chairman, Mr O’Connor as Vice-Chairman, Mrs Harrison as Treasurer/Finance Officer, and Mr & Mrs Bowman (post share), Mr Peter Seed and Neil Watts to be Committee members.
Cllr Gallagher introduced Dr Mark Earthey, who had kindly agreed to work with a task group to be formed from the SG, at no cost to the Councils, to develop a Community Energy Scheme (CES) as part of the NDP.
Dr Earthey gave a presentation on how the electricity supply market will develop in the near future and some of the options and advantages that can be incorporated into a CES as part of the NDP.
Chair will write out to potential Energy Working Party members . To be taken to Full Councils for Dr Earthey to gather information and move forward on behalf of both Councils.
Mr Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP spoke about housing requirements/demand over the next 10-15 years, the A259 and Government investment in major road networks and development opportunities in and around the Meridian Centre. Mr Russell-Moyle encouraged close working between the two Town Councils and with the Chamber of Commerce.
Cllr Gallagher introduced Mr James Boot, who it is hoped can be the new NDP Consultant; a proposal will have to go to both Council’s for ratification.
Mr Boot gave a presentation covering his NDP credentials and current involvement with various organisations and projects.
Mr Boot highlighted some of the main NDP building blocks, stages & outputs and the help that may be available to the project as it develops.
Cllr Gallagher noted that, once Mr Boot’s appointment has been confirmed, he will hold workshops/meetings with SG members.
There being no further notice, the meeting closed at 21:05.
January 2019
Chair: Cathy Gallagher (Saltdean Residents Association)
Pat Bowman (Telscombe Residents Association)
Christine Bowman (Telscombe Residents Association)
David Williams (Peacehaven Residents Association)
Peter Seed (Ramblers Association)
Laurence O’Connor (Saltdean Residents’ Association) Secretary: Nancy Astley (Saltdean Residents’ Association).
Apologies were received from Sue Griffiths who was ill and Neil Watts who had taken his wife to hospital.
Cathy confirmed that Locality Grant had been received and therefore group had approximately £9000 to spend before end of March 2019 – looking at undertaking more public consultation. Has become evident that town councils don’t have the spare manpower to provide the group with additional help therefore may need to look at freelancers to undertake work quickly.
The group appointed Laurence to take the chair to discuss the terms of reference. The terms of reference for the group was last adopted in November 2017 with a view to updating them in Feb 2018. This review had not been undertaken and this provided an opportunity to look at the construction of the steering group and the way decisions were currently made. The question was raised as to whether all councillors should have voting rights as per the adopted terms of reference or whether this would lead to the group being seen as not truly independent.
The group felt that because of the potential for councillors to have a conflict of interest, and that matters often needed to be moved forward quicker than monthly meetings would allow; that the whole steering group should therefore be reconstructed to meet needs. After much debate it was decided to adopt a committee style approach where all steering group members would appoint six officers consisting of Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, finance officer and two other officers to form a committee. This committee would have the delegated authority to make decisions on behalf of the larger steering group and take matters forward. The officers could not be councillors. However, anyone could be proposed to sit on the steering group as long as they were seconded by an existing member. The larger steering group would elect officers to post once a year.
The group also confirmed that steering group meetings should be open to all but committee meeting may be taken as and when needed and these could be closed meetings but would need minutes or a record to come back to the main group.
Action: Nancy to draft amended terms of reference.
4. Freelance support.
Nancy left the room (Conflict of interest)
Cathy had been working for 10 days with Elizabeth Harvey (Sister of Nancy Astley)
In that 10days together they had achieved Community Contacts, set up website,
Facebook, Twitter and Email. Providing a PA service for Cathy, during the day and setting up a forward plan until end of March (Evidence will be brought to next Steering Group meeting) Elizabeth (Lizzie) provided her services through L& N Consultancy Ltd of which she and Nancy are Directors .
L&N Consultancy to provide business support to the NDP Steering Group. Mainly the provision would be PA support to Cathy (Chair)
Initially 10 hours per week plus VAT. The Freelance support would be given by ex-Council staff with a knowledge of Council procedures. A contact will be set up. Nancy will not be providing any paid support but will continue to work voluntarily.
A long discussion followed points raised:
Steering Group members themselves neither had the skills nor time to give this support themselves.
Time was at an essence and Grants for NDP needed to be used by end of March
NDP needs to step up pace, particularly in terms of Neighbourhood engagement. There is still a huge awareness deficient with people in the plan area.
Neither Town Councils have the resources to provide support at this level. Even though we will need support from them.
Cathy had done a presentation to both Town’s Councillors setting out that the Steering Group would be using Freelancers if support not available from within Council’s
Other Freelancers will be contracted to provide specific tasks.
The Steering Group and Chair needed to have a direct allocation of funds to use as and when.
Ie, Fund from The Council’s (Lead on financing now Telscombe Town Council) Chair’s discretionary expenditure limit)
Steering group members agreed we must go ahead with an initial contract for 10hours a week at £20 per hour plus VAT.£240 paid from Petty Cash
December 2018:
Chairman CG reported the St. Aubyns Development of 90 homes in Rottingdean is moving forward - Lloyd Russell Moyle MP will write to the Secretary of State re pollution concerns in Rottingdean High Street. He also discussed the need for a link road via C7 especially as A259 constraint to further developments happening in Peacehaven. MP Open Meeting organised by Meridian labour Party on 3rd January 2019 - everyone is encouraged to attend. An Insurance report by Ageas Co.UK has named in the top 10 most dangerous roads in the UK in the three years up to 2016 - the A259 between Brighton Marina and Newhaven was included.
VC and Peacehaven Focus Group were thanked for all their efforts on the SG, however it was understood that they area campaign group and needed to distance themselves from the NDP which may promote further development. It was hoped that the two groups would remain in contact.
Following CG’s presentation to TTC Full Council, Cllr Smith requested the SG state exactly what is needed. This would be better addressed in the New Year when PTC internal staffing and councillor matters had been resolved.
TD consulted Natural England and SDNP on the scoping options-in her view, the SG will need to undertake a Sustainable Environmental Assessment report.
NA explained the plan stages being undertaken and while sites were being put forward for assessment, they were not being recommended for development. At this point the SG would only be assessing the potential of sites so that future policies can be formed. If new land was identified not within the original call for sites, then this could be included in any future assessments.
The Environmental Group had met and considered improved footpath links as some already existed across the Tye and Saltdean, joining up to Ashdown Avenue. Saved policies were also looked at by the group. Cllr. Robinson would be chairing the Tye Commons Committee and putting a Working Group together - the first meeting would be 10th January 2019.
Going forward into 2019 - members of the Steering Group are those representing groups in Saltdean and Peacehaven and therefore have a vote. Councillors and residents don’t get a vote as they are not acting on behalf of specific groups. The Steering Group remains independent and acts as a link to the people of the towns and advises Councils of their views.
November 2018:
CG gave a presentation to PTC to request more support financially, also with admin and communication – same to be done for TTC. Sites which have come forward: 2 large ones Co-op/St Modwens and some interesting smaller ones. Potentially 255 homes plus. The ‘Call for Sites’ deadline passed and applications had been received - those submitted have been briefly reviewed and the Group were generally pleased with the results.
Draft Environmental Scoping Report (being written by NA) would be submitted to TD for review.
Business presentation on 10th October organised by PTC, but only 3 businesses had attended. On 16th October a similar presentation given to Peacehaven Chamber of Commerce where business questionnaires had been distributed but very few were returned. VC started a database with 300 businesses but needed help to manage it. Businesses are not being properly involved at this time.
Peacehaven Focus Group read a statement agreed at an Extraordinary Meeting in October. Main points of the statement were:
The business presentation by PTC had not been successful and the minutes from CL didn’t reflect the disappointing attendance especially from Town Councillors who should have been supporting the event.
Providing additional housing: the Steering Group were in a difficult situation and had not been involved by PTC and the Co-op in discussions concerning the Meridian site.
There were insufficient resources for the development of a NDP and this was leading to lack of engagement with the wider community.
If the situation continued then the Focus Group may make the decision to leave the Steering Group.
There was agreement about a lack of resources and involvement – Chairman CG explained that skilled people were needed but that wasn’t possible as both PTC and TTC said that they did not have staffing capacity to allow officers additional time to work on NDP. And whilst LDC had a duty to support and advise, they couldn’t work on anything, they could only act as a conduit for review.
The Environmental Group recommended that SEA scoping report be done urgently because of the move to redevelop the Meridian site. NA agreed to send TD a draft now that the Call for Sites had ended in order that the scoping option report could be submitted formally before Xmas.
Agreed that organising public meetings and talks is a good idea for residents to discuss issues. Chairman CG to produce No 3 Flyer for distribution to update people.
J Dowty of O’Neill Homer, had asked for the Steering Group’s (SG) opinion on two questions:
Does the SG still want to progress policy for Meridian area, what are the groups ambitions and broad objectives?
Does the SG want to pass the allocation of sites back to LDC?
Following discussion the group confirmed that they do wish to continue developing policies for the Meridian Site following their original ambition of creating a better quality shopping centre, providing a range of retail outlets and associated services and linking the centre to the wider area through better connections and high quality public space and facilities. The group also confirmed that at this stage they did want to continue allocating sites and that a more descriptive brief should be established for the consultants so that they have clearer idea of what the group wanted to achieve, to be undertaken after Xmas break allowing everyone further time to consider issues.
October 2018:
Posters were on PTC and TTC’s website, but no posters in reception areas. Also on Peacehaven Focus Groups’ site and on Facebook. At a recent housing event,very few people had heard about the NP.
Call for Sites: a list of addresses had been compiled - also consulting Estate Agents and Landowners in the area to publicise it.
A meeting was held with the Co-op Planning Manager -they want a new store but must consult with other Leaseholders/Freeholders on the Meridian Site (including PTC).
Alma from SDNP had responded via email to questions.
A meeting with Youth Mayors was scheduled for 9th October
A business event on the 10thOctober will include a presentation re NP: 120 invitations and surveys sent out from business database by PTC (3 business reps attended)
Further meeting on 16thOctober with NA, CG, TD and consultants to look at NDP progression in light of Co-op proposed application.
The LDC Local Plan part 2 would go forward on January 24th 2019 -by then the NDPSG should have their sites identified and technical reports prepared. A Sustainability Appraisal of the Meridian Site and other potential sites remains to be done (NA). Scoping opinion letter to LDC to be completed.
CIL is different from S106 in that it doesn’t get paid until after works have commenced,once Barrett’s commence works, PCT will get 15% of CIL monies paid incrementally every six months. The rest of the CIL monies from the site will be split between LDC, ESCC and put into a communal pot that anyone can apply for, including local Town Councils and community groups. In addition to CIL, the Barratts development will also be subject to a S106 agreement which ensures the transport infrastructure is brought forward. This will include two new bus shelters and work to the Sutton Avenue roundabout. S106 agreement will be on LDC website shortly with the planning application ref. LW/17/0226. Decision notice is also on the website.
LDC current saved policies will fall away when NDP adopted. Saved policies can be transferred to NDP and therefore these can be brought forward from Appendix3 Part 2 P122. Steering Group to review policies and decide those to be brought forward from saved policies.
More commitment from Town Councils needed: Steering Group is being left to progress matters on their own and seen as separate but this is a Town plan and Councils must be involved in setting direction. Chairman CG to provide a debrief and presentation to Councils.
All concerned to review the list of housing sites from SHELAAH and determine at next meeting whether housing allocation should go back to LDC.
September 2018:
The Steering Group discussed the role of consultant’s O’Neill Homer going forward and agreed that at the current time the consultants should not focus on Meridian Site or retail survey, but concentrate on “Call for Sites”. The consultants would continue to draft policies and produce a draft plan once Call for Sites finishes at the end of October so both Councils will need to set aside more funds in forthcoming budgets.
Chairman CG expressed concern that the NDP was being delayed by insufficient urgency and attention being given to completing stages – PTC and TTC Councillors were asked to help by being intermediaries in ensuring the actions required were completed by the Councils.
“Call for Sites”was in the Sept 2018 Peacehaven Directory, also advertised in the Argus. Need to provide minimum of 255 units or provide good reasons why this number can’t be provided, however this not likely as sites have already been found via the SHEELA.More A4 notices needed, also website and Social Media notifications to publicise further.Need to write to write to major landowners in the town to get their involvement for the “call for sites”- a list of major landowners to be compiled then letter can go to all on list.
The Co-op Planning Manager had requested another meeting - they had been talking to stakeholders at the Meridian Centre about future plans, they now wanted to talk with the Steering Group (SG).
LDC Local Plan part 2 would be going forward on January 24th 2019 and by this point the SGshould have their sites identified.
Clarification on the Policy PT17 (land north of Bannings Vale) and open space was sought -as this site falls within the National Park, Alma (SDNP) be invited to the next meeting to answer questions.
Business: C Lacey was asked to send the email to the database VC had prepared, inviting businesses to complete a survey. CG suggested the message include ‘Call for Sites’ which had not been done. CG/VC to rewrite and ask for the email to go urgently, also the survey to be interactive on website.
The Environment Group had met and a summary of their work is listed: (speakers to be invited to talk directly to residents)
How green is my plan?
Ditchling neighbourhood plan?
Identification of Community Assets
Allotment provision
Self/build and lifetime homes
Climate change
Safe routes to school
Food growing Morden example
August 2018:
At the current time neither of the Town Councils had contributed to the financing of the Neighbourhood Plan - all money spent so far had been gained via grant bidding to Government. There was also a further fund for technical advice which could be claimed to employ specialists for the Sustainability Appraisal and SEA scoping.
Chairman CG provided a summary of the last consultants workshop–they also discussed creating a better cycle/walking route linking prime areas (a community spine)which would extend across Telscombe Tye and link Saltdean to the Meridian Centre. Updated land registry information had been supplied by TD.
At the workshop consultants revealed the Meridian Centre covered 35 acres/18 hectares of which:
3 hectares were retail
9 hectares were parking
5 hectares were open space
1 hectare no defined purpose
The area needed to protect existing retail floor space but create a significant residential impact.
A259 update: both BHCC and ESCC agreed there was a problem with the A259 which would be reviewed as part of the major road network (MRN). The implications of this to be investigated.ME and RS are also reviewing transport data and google congestion maps.
Hoddern Farm development –a condition of approval is that a Traffic Liaison Group be established by the developer including PTC to discuss transport related problems linked to new housing.
A further NDP public consultation on 8thSeptember at the Health and Wellbeing Event at Peacehaven – possible questionnaire to be devised.
‘Call for Sites’ form had now been approved by PTC and TTC and could be publicised on both Town Councils websites, Peacehaven Directory and the Argus in addition to the Deans area, Social media, leaflet and posters (repeating publicity through consultation period at the end of October).
A business database had been compiled by VC. PTC to send out questionnaires but held up due to GDPR. The meeting accepted this reasoning but did not fully approve wording and approach to businesses as it was felt it needed to be more comprehensive and considered.
First Consultation - NA compiling report showing the analysis of the first round of public consultation which will be acceptable to Inspector and can be published.
Neither ESCC or LDC planned any devolution of land owned by them and it wasn’t intended that either council would relinquish their site. Parks and Open Spaces devolution was discussed and benefits of these and car parks being devolved (also land and building owned by ESCC or LDC at Meridian Centre Site).
It was confirmed 15% of CIL would go to PTC from 1st phase of Lower Hoddern Farm Development - if Neighbourhood Plan adopted this would increase to 25% for future stages.
Break out groups ensued brainstorming ideas for the NDP to achieve for the Meridian Site - suggestions and vision for Meridian Site. Initial finding scan be found detailed within the minutes of the meeting.
​JUNE 2018:
Lower Hoddern Farm There was no third party right of appeal for Lower Hoddern Farm and could only challenge the process of the planning determination in the Courts via a legal challenge, though this is now likely to be out of time.
Telscombe village were approached to establish if they wanted a specific consultation evening with the “Futures” and to participate, but has received no response.
PCS through the Youth Mayor are becoming involved in the NP and rather than use paper forms they are to be encouraged to use online survey – local businesses to be included in the consultation as well.
Survey Results to date
Future 1 had 20 votes, Future 2 had 80 votes and Future 3 had 56 votes, however around 25 responses had been received electronically which had not be taken into account at this stage and many of these had voted for Future 3. So it was split between Future 2 & 3.
The greatest concerns for the future development of the area was the increase in traffic, over-subscribed doctors and local amenities.
Most people wanted more 2-3 bed houses with low cost and socially rented also being high on the list.
Predominantly people wanted to keep the area low rise.
Business: people wanted to see more shops in the area with more light industrial space, offices and market stalls also high on the list.
The environment people voted overwhelmingly for development of walking routes and better bridleways. Parks and the undercliff/beach were also important.
It was agreed to contact SDNPA to discuss walking/cycling routes.
MARCH 2018:
1000 leaflets had been printed and the leaflet had gone in the Peacehaven Directory and The Deans magazine.
The boards had been completed and were displayed at the back of the room.
The following comments were received:
Concern over the built-up area boundary line being shown, as this was being confused with the parish boundary and clearly didn’t include parts of the town.
Telscombe Village and Peacehaven Heights were not being shown on the maps and needed to be.
The colour depicting the suggested housing area was similar to the colour showing the protected designation of the Tye - some confusion caused as it looked like the Tye would be used for housing.
CG confirmed that the launch session would not go ahead on the 3rd April as not ready, but instead a press release would be undertaken to go to press on the 3rd. A separate session for Councillors at a later date.
The group then undertook an exercise on where they saw the towns in 2040 and what was needed to aid that progression. A summary of the findings were included in the minutes.
February 2018:
Composition of the Steering Group:
Proposed by CG that the Steering Group consist of:
The appointed Chair/Vice Chair and Secretary,
The Chairs and Vice Chairs/Secretaries of Residents Associations and Focus Group
Chairs of Community groups within Saltdean, Peacehaven and Telscombe,
the Mayors of Peacehaven and Telscombe.
New steering group members could be proposed but would need to represent communities within the NP area. However, all meetings would remain open and would not be restricted to just steering group members.
TP confirmed that should Lower Hoddern Farm be approved, the emerging NP would need to accommodate the minimum of 255 additional new homes. Also, that windfall sites were not included in these numbers nor would they be.Recommended a call for sites be forthcoming as part of the “Conversations” to assess whether this amount could be accommodated in the towns.
First “Conversations” (public consultations) would be undertaken at start of April.O’Neill Homer consultants had agreed to provide some A1 boards that would contain basic information about the work undertaken so far and would set out three differing visions to engage the community level of interest and enthusiasm for change.The cost of providing A1 boards was £1800 for 3 boards or £1800 for 5 large prints which the group could have mounted to boards.
April 3rd Peacehaven Town Council (time to be confirmed).
April 7th 8th 11am - 3pm.
April 11th - 9am -3pm
April 12th – 5pm -8pm
April 13th - 9am – Midday
April 14th - All day
April 17th – 6pm – 9pm
April 16th – 1pm -3pm
April 17th – 2pm -4pm
April 18th - 6pm – 9pm
April 23rd – 9am -3pm
The advantages/disadvantages of Futures 1, 2 and 3 were debated by the group and reported in the minutes.
January 2018:
Laurence O’Connor updated the meeting on behalf the A259 Action Group and their presentation to the Transport Scrutiny Panel at LDC on Monday 15thJanuary discussing the Economic, Air Quality and Social Impact of the congestion on the A259 from Newhaven to Rottingdean. The Big Petition achieved approx 17,000 signatures.
Lloyd Russell–Moyle MP gave an introduction and overview of the A259 update. In response to the presentations of Futures 1,2 and 3, he informed that Lewes Town had planned a reform of their shopping area over 30 years ago, and the Town Centre in the level area is still taking shape now. The Group needed to look at a longer pattern of change and the demographic could be profiled through research, the larger the change and need for infrastructure the more housing would be needed for increased population.
Thea Petts (TP) (Neighbourhood Planning Officer Lewes District Council and Eastbourne Borough Council) – introduced herself and updated the group on her role and where the Steering Group should be at this time.
Concerns raised about Future 3 as presented in Consultant letter November 2017 as it did not take enough notice of greenspaces and unhappy at concentrating all retail within a narrower stretch along A259.
The re-work of the Meridian crucial as it is the largest site and is stuck in the 1970’s
Agreed the SG looks at the Futures again and alter them to a bespoke version for our area.
The Group agreed PTC proposal to design a new web page which would be linked to the PTC and TTC websites.
Peacehaven E-news will incorporate up to 500 words monthly to inform residents of the updates for SG and proposed dates of First Conversation.
Leaflets should go out to 8000 homes in Peacehaven and Telscombe, along with the Peacehaven and Deans Directories.
First Conversation Event to be staffed by Group Members possible dates for Peacehaven (Meridian Centre) Town Manager to liaise with Telscombe and East Saltdean as all Communities included.
These ‘Drop Ins’ will be endorsed as evidence and data collection for the NP. 9 Members offered to support. Will be advertised on website, social media and by leaflet.
Activities completed so far include:
Meeting the Neighbourhood Planning Officer
Creating the Steering Group
identifying how the Community will be involved
Drafting the Work Programme (Futures 1, 2 and 3).
The Town Manager provided a draft list of responses to Core Strategy 2. The NP must comply with LDC strategic policies.
December 2017:
SG Chair Cathy Gallagher (CG) outlined requirement to comply with Lewes District Council Core Strategy 1 and the emerging Plan 2 which is consulting now and will come into force in the next 2 years.
Presentation of options:
Future 1: Continue as we are
Future 2: Redefine Meridian Centre and consolidate the “High Street” (15 year timescale)
Future 3: A new Centre for a New Town “ (30 year plan)
Steering group broke into smaller groups and identified 3 areas:
Business and Retail
Community and Well Being
Environment and Design
Agreed Future 2 or 3 preferable: Meridian site more info needed. Future 1 ruled out.
Refer to Minutes below for further details
NP SG minutes
NP SG minutes
NP SG minutes
NP SG minutes