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Peacehaven & Telscombe Neighbourhood Development Plan Consultation Opens


Updated: Feb 2, 2022

The draft Peacehaven & Telscombe Neighbourhood Development Plan (NP) is now ready for consultation with local residents and groups from the 1st February to 14th March.

The NP is a planning document for the local area, that once adopted through a formal process can be used by communities and planning departments to help shape neighbourhoods for the future. You can view the draft plan and respond to the consultation here.

The document will be used to determine future planning applications up to 2030, can encourage greater investment in the area and will entitle local Town Councils to receive 25% of the Community Infrastructure Levy created in the NP area.

The overarching vision is: “Peacehaven and Telscombe Towns aim to be sustainable, with clean air and an environment providing a good quality of life for all inhabitants and neighbourhoods.”

Underpinning the vision is the concept of 20-minute neighbourhoods – a compact and connected place where residents and workers can easily access services that meet most of their daily needs by foot, by bike (e-bike and e-scooters) or buggy. Additional services can easily be accessed by public transport, taxi or car.

The neighbourhood plan also sets out the important Local Green Spaces and Views that residents would like to see protected, and areas where development that meets local needs for affordable homes, jobs and leisure can be met.

The two town councils would like resident’s views on the Neighbourhood Plan Vision, Objectives, Policies and Projects set out in summary in a leaflet and in full online at: There are paper response forms available to collect from the two civic centres or to complete online (with links from Facebook and the website).

There will be an online presentation and Question and Answer session online at 7pm on 10th February (which will be posted on the website afterwards) - click here to access Zoom meeting. There will also be drop-in sessions at Peacehaven Civic Centre on Wednesday 16th February 2pm to 7pm and at Telscombe Civic Centre on 21st February 1pm to 4.30pm.

All the comments that are received from the residents are collated, the NP amended if needed, and then this is submitted to the Lewes District Council for them to consult formally with neighbouring Councils and landowners.

Comments received and a final copy of the NP will be sent to an Examiner appointed by Lewes and the two town councils who will test the robustness of the policies against the evidence and will report back.

If the Examiner is happy that the NP is sound, the Town Councils with the District Council will take the final copy to a local referendum where people can vote on whether to adopt the plan formally.

If adopted, the plan will continue to be reviewed and updated until 2030 when a new plan will be needed. This is start of an on-going living document that will help Peacehaven and Telscombe manage future growth in the area.

Cathy Gallagher, Chair of Steering Group

Twitter: @TelscombePlan



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