The Peacehaven and Telscombe Neighbourhood Development Draft Plan is due to be released soon for consultation.
The Vision for the Neighbourhood Development Plan
Peacehaven and Telscombe town aims to be sustainable, with clean air and an environment providing a good quality of life for all inhabitants and visitors.
Objectives following from the vision are:
All new development helps to deliver better local facilities and infrastructure for the towns.
Access to and through the National Park and along the Coastal Path will be improved as multifunctional routes for tourism, travel and recreation, further linking the areas within Peacehaven and Telscombe to surrounding areas.
New developments will create connected, attractive cycling and pedestrian routes, providing seamless integration with the existing towns facilities and public green spaces to encourage a reduction in car-based travel.
Improvements to existing walking and cycling routes will be undertaken to encourage more active movement and well-being of the local community.
Existing habitats and green infrastructure networks are protected and enhanced through sensitive development, to encourage local habitat improvement and creation.
Encouraging a high-quality sustainable design approach to all development which promotes design innovation and sustainable development.
Improve local air quality and provide reductions in carbon emissions by supporting…
The journey to complete a plan was started seriously in 2018 with the “FIRST CONSULTATION “ where an exhibition accompanied by a public survey helped shape the vision, aims and objectives for the future of the two towns.
The responses revealed the main concerns:
A) A worry about the traffic levels particularly congestion on the A259
B) Local amenities and medical facilities were overstretched
C) An increase in anti-social behaviour
The aspirations for the future included:
A) Low-cost housing
B) Smaller 1-3 bedroom properties
C) Increased retail within the towns including along the A259 and Longridge Ave
D) Market stalls
E) Land allocated for visitor economy and an increase in tourism
F) Increase in walking routes and green corridors
The future of the Meridian Centre:
Over the winter 2020-21 a consultation a “NEW CENTRE FOR PEACEHAVEN” received 844 responses and revealed the main themes as:
A) Retention of a supermarket, more small independent shops and a market square
B) Creation of pedestrianised streets , squares and public realm
C) Improvements to public transport
D) Café and restaurants increase of night time economy
E) Community buildings, library, post office and Community Centre
F) Retention of mature trees, greenspaces and pocket parks